The Buc agency was commissioned by Atrium Gestion in April 22 to maintain a condominium in a new eco-district in Massy.
This site, currently under construction, is located on the edge of a forest on Air France’s former pilot training site with the aim to minimize its mineral impact on the surrounding nature and bring back community life.
Following the maintenance of this first joint ownership property which demonstrated MUGO’s skills and resources in green management, the agency was entrusted with the management of 4 other joint ownership properties which represent a surface of 2 ha of green spaces and could in the long run manage the entire eco-district, which is only half built today.
The maintenance takes place once or twice a week depending on the season with a targeted approach to let vegetation and biodiversity settle.
- The maintenance of the perimeter of the buildings, the entrances and the traffic lanes can be done on a more regular basis
- The grass path alongside the roads is mown just once to ensure a neat transition with the surrounding meadow
- Shrubby beds have been allowed to overgrow the grass which reduces naturally the growth of weeds.
- The beds of perennials are mulched and weeded more often to guarantee the inhabitants the excellent management of the various spaces
- The trimming of plants is done by hand to give them a more natural aspect and less stress but also to reduce the noise
Exports are kept to a strict minimum. Wastes are shredded and left on-site, sometimes in a compost bin. Only the ones which cannot be managed on-site are collected and discarded. Hand tools are prioritised over electric ones, only used, if necessary, to provide better comfort to the workers and keep noise down.
This project incorporating the nature present on site in the built environment is a major success. The joint ownership properties are very pleased with the service provided, and our maintenance team, led by Gabriel and Didier Louvouezo, take great pleasure working on this site. This ecological maintenance provides more freedom, autonomy and boosts creativity! And finally, it sparks the interest and curiosity of the residents, who have regular productive interactions.